me : wafiy, tadi papa call. papa kata dia rindu kat wafiy.
wafiy : papa awin rindu wafiy??!hahaha
me : wafiy tak rindu papa ke?
wafiy : mmm... wafiy rindu donat ngan karipap
me : hah?
wafiy : wafiy rindu donat dengan karipap lar. papa awin hantar wafiy pegi skolah ada donat ngan karipap. mama aza hantar wafiy takde donat ngan karipap.
me : hahaha!
papa awin.. cepat balik! wafiy rindu donat ngan karipap nihhhh!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The doctor said....
I need to go through surgical treatment called Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling (LOD) since the medical treatment failed to fix my ovulation and menstrual problem. I asked for a second IUI, but he informed that IUI is not the best treatment at the moment since my body is not responding well with the medication, thus, ovulation is hardly can occur. Therefore, chances of getting successful IUI is pretty slim. Rather than wasting money and time, LOD is the best option as it fix the hormone level and regulate the menstruation.
Here is some information regarding Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling (LOD) procedure :
Source :
At the moment, I am taking Duphaston to trigger my menstruation. In Day 2- Day 5, blood test must be done. And I'll meet again with my specialist in early May to schedule the surgery. I'm hoping to schedule it latest in middle of May, since Wafiy's surgery is rescheduled in early June. hmm... semua nak kena operate nih.. fiy, my dad just had his eye surgery last Monday.
Doakanlah yang terbaik untuk kami yaaaa......
Want to see some photos?
The blue circle indicate the ovary. The black holes are numerous small cysts.
That's the ovary (the white color thing).
Ovary after LOD procedure. banyak lubang-lubang.
Here is a video of the procedure...
Here is some information regarding Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling (LOD) procedure :
Source :
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (ovarian diathermy) for PCOS
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a surgical treatment that can trigger ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Electrocautery or a laser is used to destroy parts of the ovaries.
This surgery is not commonly used. But it can be an option for women who are still not ovulating after losing weight and trying fertility medicines.
Ovarian drilling is usually done through a small incision (laparoscopy), with general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small cut (incision) in the abdomen at the belly button. The surgeon then places a tube to inflate the abdomen with a small amount of carbon dioxide gas so that he or she can insert the viewing instrument (laparoscope) without damage to the internal organs. The surgeon looks through the laparoscope at the internal organs. Surgical instruments may be inserted through the same incision or other small incisions in the pelvic area.
Because the incisions are so small, laparoscopy is often called "Band-Aid surgery."
What To Expect After Surgery
If you have a laparoscopy procedure, you will likely go home the same day and can do your normal activities within 24 hours. Your return to normal activities will depend on how quickly you recover from surgery, which may take a few days or as long as 2 to 4 weeks.
Why It Is Done
Ovarian drilling is sometimes used for women with PCOS who are still not ovulating after trying weight loss and fertility medicine. Destroying part of the ovaries has been reported to restore regular ovulation cycles.1
How Well It Works
Studies of women with PCOS have shown that ovarian drilling results in an 80% ovulation rate and a 50% pregnancy rate.1
Younger women and those with a body mass index in the normal range are most likely to benefit from laparoscopic ovarian drilling.2
Risks of laparoscopy include:
- Infection of the incision.
- Bleeding from the incision.
- Internal bleeding.
- Accidental injury to internal organs or major blood vessels, from the laparoscope or surgical instruments.
- Pain after the procedure, from inflating the abdomen with gas.
- Problems caused by anesthesia.
- Adhesions or scarring inside the body.
What To Think About
No randomized controlled trials have been used to study this treatment for starting ovulation:1
- Ovulation and pregnancy rates are based on reports of about 1,000 women.
- Live birth rates, which are the true measure of treatment success, are not available and are probably less than 50%.
At the moment, I am taking Duphaston to trigger my menstruation. In Day 2- Day 5, blood test must be done. And I'll meet again with my specialist in early May to schedule the surgery. I'm hoping to schedule it latest in middle of May, since Wafiy's surgery is rescheduled in early June. hmm... semua nak kena operate nih.. fiy, my dad just had his eye surgery last Monday.
Doakanlah yang terbaik untuk kami yaaaa......
Want to see some photos?
The blue circle indicate the ovary. The black holes are numerous small cysts.
That's the ovary (the white color thing).
Ovary after LOD procedure. banyak lubang-lubang.
Here is a video of the procedure...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Should I?
Am thinking.
Should I resume my treatment for PCOS?
I don't know if i'm ready for the frequent 2-hour trips to ipoh.
I don't know if i can still afford to pay for the fertility medication.
i don't know if i will get the very much needed support.
i don't know if i still have the strength to face the emotional roller coster along the journey.
But what I really do know,
I do want to have another bundle of joy so badly.
Allah, please give me strength...
Should I resume my treatment for PCOS?
I don't know if i'm ready for the frequent 2-hour trips to ipoh.
I don't know if i can still afford to pay for the fertility medication.
i don't know if i will get the very much needed support.
i don't know if i still have the strength to face the emotional roller coster along the journey.
But what I really do know,
I do want to have another bundle of joy so badly.
Allah, please give me strength...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
PIPKBP SMK Ambrose : Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke BSN Sitiawan
Semenjak dua menjak nih tersangatlah busy dengan program-program di sekolah. baru je semlm selesai temasya olahraga pendidikan khas daerah manjung. habis makin hitam kulit nih.. nampak gaya macam x sempat nk cerah akan hitam balik nih.. sebab lepas nih ada karnival permainan pulak. walaupun hitam atau penat, tapi hati tetap rasa seronok bila tengok pelajar-pelajar istimewa nih enjoy tak hengat dapat join macam-macam aktiviti sama seperti pelajar normal.
anyway.. here are some photos during our educational trip to BSN cawangan Sitiawan which was held on 1st April.
Sebelum pergi, kita makan dulu!!
Izzat : Rizuwan, tolong tengok duit aku ada berapa dalam bank nih?
Rizuwan : Uish, banyak nih. berjuta-juta lemon!
Hazwan tak reti tulis ye, takpe, Cikgu Hadiah tolong tuliskan ye.
Pelajar-pelajar berlatih berinteraksi dengan melakukan transaksi di kaunter.
Say cheese!
bergambar bersama pegawai-pegawai BSN.
Ehem! Cikgu Aza yang cun melecun sedang memberi ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada pihak BSN cawangan Sitiawan.
Part paling best setiap kali lawatan.
Dapat souvenir!
Nyum!nyum!nyum! sedapnye makan kfc.

sebelum balik, kita makan aiskrim dulu yok!
**PIPKBP : Program Integrasi Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran. **
anyway.. here are some photos during our educational trip to BSN cawangan Sitiawan which was held on 1st April.
Sebelum pergi, kita makan dulu!!
Faham ke tu?? macam blur blur je semua dengar taklimat dr pegawai BSN
Izzat : Rizuwan, tolong tengok duit aku ada berapa dalam bank nih?
Rizuwan : Uish, banyak nih. berjuta-juta lemon!
Hazwan tak reti tulis ye, takpe, Cikgu Hadiah tolong tuliskan ye.
Pelajar-pelajar berlatih berinteraksi dengan melakukan transaksi di kaunter.
Say cheese!
bergambar bersama pegawai-pegawai BSN.
Ehem! Cikgu Aza yang cun melecun sedang memberi ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada pihak BSN cawangan Sitiawan.
Part paling best setiap kali lawatan.
Dapat souvenir!
Nyum!nyum!nyum! sedapnye makan kfc.

sebelum balik, kita makan aiskrim dulu yok!
**PIPKBP : Program Integrasi Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran. **
pendidikan khas,
school activities,
special education
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