Saturday, January 30, 2010

My New Toy

Yes, I have a new toy.
Nope, it's not an iPhone.

It's Kettler Rivo P Elliptical Cross Trainer

Yes, I love the machine
No, I am not playing around
Yes, I do serious about losing weight
No, I don't trust all those diet pills, diet tea, slimming programs, diet milks will do wonders to me
Yes, I believe exercise and proper diet is the healthy way to lose weight

Huh? Owh. yeah I've got free set of Kettler 3kg dumbell with the machine. it really does complement my workout program.


Noris said...

Bestnya, I wanted to get one of these too sbb kat rumah my MIL there is one and it is so easy to use. Mahal tak?

AzaMazelan said...

haaa.. beli jgn x beli.. dh bli kena gunalah ye.. mahal x mahal tu depends on brand and spec. kettler has a good reputation. jgn bli nordic track.. bnyk bad reviews.. then choose nk yg manual ker preprogrammed. yg aza punye nih preprogrammed. rm2700 (display item).np rm3200. bli kat OU.. gi ler survey2.. tp before bli try dulu.. sbb wheel dia ada yg kecik, besar, berat, ringan.. lg berat wheel lg bagus, klu ringan nnt dia wobble bila guna. So far with this one.. mmg best!