Wednesday, November 24, 2010

@Hospital Selayang

 The ward 
it's really nice, clean, and organized. well, maybe because it's a first class ward, so everything is totally being cared of. if you are a visitor, no need to wait for the visiting hours. Enter anytime.. just tell the guard "wad 9A", and the guard will let you in. Owh, the sister and nurses are nice and friendly too.

The room 
my parent requested for a single bed room. Luckily, there's one available. However, the nurse mispelled my atuk's name. It should be Shlamat.. and not Shlamah lorrr!

My mother
My dearly mother tgh berdebar-debar thinking what will happen during the surgery (knee arthroplasty surgery) . Her friend bagitahu masa surgery tu nanti my mom boleh dengar doktor2 mengerjakan lutut my mom since bius separuh badan je. Tools dia sama macam tools yg my father guna untuk buat rumah.. so my mom bole dengar bunyi gerudi, bunyi tukul, bunyi grinder dan segala mcm bunyi.. hehehe.. takooooottttt!

 My bed
My bed for the past two nights and many more nights to come.... dah bawak comforter sesiap dr manjung nih untuk menambahkan keselesaan... hehe.. ada sesiapa nk ganti shift???

As of now, my mother dahpun kena surgery semlm. All went well. She's still in epidural.. so masih okay lagik.. please pray for fast recovery ye.. and sesiapa yg free, bolela dtg bawakkan aza rojak buah.. sebab rasa cam ngidam nak makan rojak buah... heheheh!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

So.. Macammana?

So, based on last entry.. saya dah ambil beberapa resolution.

Pertama : Kami decide x nak pursue with the surgery. Dah try call ortho clinic hkl berpuluh-puluh kali untuk cancel surgery.. tapi tak pernah ada orang angkat telefon. Tak kisahlah tu.. sebab kalau kami tak datang for sure tak boleh buat surgery kan?!. Saya dah contact specialist dari Burumgrad Hospital, Bangkok.. namanya Dr.Amnuay regarding Wafiy's case.. So sekarang kami sedang beremail-emailan berkongsi maklumat.. tapi masih belum ada final words on how to proceed with the case.. bersabar.

Kedua : Since wafiy tak jadi nak kena operation, maknanya saya akan jadi mommysitter sahaja. Oleh kerana mama punya operation buat di Hospital Selayang.. dan sah sah saya kena tidur di hospital jaga mama.. wafiy kena lah dijaga orang lain. Mula-mula, papa dia sungguh hesitate nak jaga.. biasalah orang lelaki.. tapi semalam dia setuju juga nak jaga wafiy di manjung... haaahh!!.. legaaaa!!..  Mungkin sebab dia tanak saya bawa kereta jauh-jauh berdua dengan wafiy dan tak nak susahkan orang lain jaga wafiy.. alah! bukan susah sgt pun nak jaga.. pagi hantar rumah pengasuh, balik kerja petang ke malam, ambil semula.. malam lepas baca buku, layan dia main game, pastu gaduh-gaduh, pastu tido peluk2.. saya dah siap pesan kat pengasuh tuh kalau papa dia lambat, kasi mandi pakai baju tidur sesiap.

Ketiga : Setelah berusaha pelbagai cara untuk mengandung.. menghabiskan beratus-ratus ringgit utk treatment..tapi still tak mengandung jugak.. saya decide untuk lupakan sekejap pasal nak cuba mengandung.. tetapi.. nak lebih fokus kepada menurunkan berat badan.. huhu! Sebab specialist tuh asyik cakap kena turunkan berat badan supaya hormon tu stabil.. dia pernah bagitau maybe kalau aza dapat turunkan berat badan sama macam masa dapat mengandungkan wafiy.. maybe ada chancelah untuk aza mengandung.. mak aiii!! 10 kilo nak turun nih.. aihh!! kena buat appointment dengan dr.rozmey la pulak pasnih?? bole?! hehe...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Surgery? - Stress!

Wafiy is scheduled for another surgery on 3rd December. It is his 5th surgery and second this year. His latest surgery was in June. This is also means it will be his 7th time entering OT and getting full general anaesthetic. I'm worried. My head spinning. It breaks my heart to see him going through all these surgical procedures again. Should there any non-surgical treatment? The doctors.. yes, the doctors, 3 specialists take turns to examine wafiy's left foot. I can see disappointment on their faces too. They seems not sure what to do to fix wafiy's foot, until their big boss came over and suggest we need another surgery. I almost on tears. Feel anxious. Lots of doubts and thinking about the complications make it worst. Will he ever be walking like any normal kids? Stress!

My mother is also scheduled for a knee surgery. It will be on 23rd November, which is less than two weeks before wafiy's surgery. So, I'll be spending the school holidays as a mommysitter and babysitter taking care of my mother and wafiy. Am i strong enough to take good care of these two people whom i love so much? Stress!

I missed my period this month. Thought i might be pregnant since i keep having a headache and bloating. Did a hpt test this morning. It's only a line. No! I'm not pregnant. Stress!