Saturday, February 6, 2010


A year ago, I can still fit in my size 6 Levi's Jeans which I bought during my years in Minnesota. I was not too thin, and not too bulky. Just nice for a healthy and active woman like me. However, now, it is all history. My Levi's Jeans is nicely folded in my drawer and I know I am not going to wear it anytime soon.

My normal weight has always been around 53-55 kg. I think it is ideal for me as I always been a little bit muscular due to my sports activities. I noticed since Aug 2008, I has begun to put on weight excessively. Surprisingly, I gain 5 kg in 3 months. I was shocked! All my friends and even my lecturers also noticed the weight gain I had. At first, I thought it might be caused by me cutting off my sport activities. I resumed my physical activities after finishing my teaching training to shed some pounds, but sadly my determination petered out as I put on more. To confound more, I didn't menstruate for the whole year. I missed my period for months.

Later, in 2009, my dh and me decided it is time to conceive. I successfully finished my teaching training and my son is almost 3 years old. Unfortunately, I still did not menstruate until middle of the year, which means, I didn't ovulate and pregnancy is unlikely to happen. That was the turning point that I feel something wrong is happening inside my body. I decided to see my local doctor and she referred me to an ob/gyn specialist at HPP.

to be continued.......

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