Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Surgery? - Stress!

Wafiy is scheduled for another surgery on 3rd December. It is his 5th surgery and second this year. His latest surgery was in June. This is also means it will be his 7th time entering OT and getting full general anaesthetic. I'm worried. My head spinning. It breaks my heart to see him going through all these surgical procedures again. Should there any non-surgical treatment? The doctors.. yes, the doctors, 3 specialists take turns to examine wafiy's left foot. I can see disappointment on their faces too. They seems not sure what to do to fix wafiy's foot, until their big boss came over and suggest we need another surgery. I almost on tears. Feel anxious. Lots of doubts and thinking about the complications make it worst. Will he ever be walking like any normal kids? Stress!

My mother is also scheduled for a knee surgery. It will be on 23rd November, which is less than two weeks before wafiy's surgery. So, I'll be spending the school holidays as a mommysitter and babysitter taking care of my mother and wafiy. Am i strong enough to take good care of these two people whom i love so much? Stress!

I missed my period this month. Thought i might be pregnant since i keep having a headache and bloating. Did a hpt test this morning. It's only a line. No! I'm not pregnant. Stress!


niSamiR said...

be patience aza...all the things happened with a juz that kite tatau what is the reason/are reasons behind that...sabar k...doa and tawakal byk2..

ijannina said...

hi sorry to hear that.byk2 sabar, Allah will be with us. btol cm nisa kata, everything happen for a reason...actually kenapa ngan kaki wafy...u dh mtk 2nd opinion?

AzaMazelan said...

thank u nisa and monina.. ntahlah, kdg2 rasa depressed lah bila memikirkan apa yg dihajat tak dapat2. mcm wafiy tu.. we thought dlm 2 tahun kaki dia dah bole ok dah.. la nih x ok ok lagik. bab nk pregnant tu pun dh bertahun jugak.. x pregnant2 gak..

monina, wafiy was born with talipes (ctev).. so masa lahir kaki dia bengkok ke dlm.. leh tgk kt fb aza ada gambar dia masa kecik2 pakai cast.

well, aza n husband mcm 50-50 la gak nk pursue wafiy punye op tu. dh discuss sama2 kami igt nk mintak 2nd opinion dulu or try urut2.. sbb masa dr. buat decision derang pun mcm doubt jugaklah.. derang pun garu kepala xtau nk buat macam mana lagi dah.. tp we all blum decide nk jumpa ortho paed mane lagik.. nisa, ada recommendation x?